This time let’s talk about cautions to keep in mind in daily life after ICL surgery.
Please avoid shower or bath on the day after surgery.
You can shower from the neck down the day after surgery.
You can take a bath 2 days after surgery.
【Face Washing /Hair Washing】
You cannot wash your face or hair on the day after surgery.
You can wash your hair at a beauty salon the next day after surgery.
You can wash your face and hair two days after surgery but be careful not to get water into your eyes.
Please take a day off from work on the surgery day and the next day.
If you work with a computer, you can work from the day after surgery, but if you do heavy work and sweat a lot, please take a break for 2 to 3 days after surgery.
Also, please do not hold heavy objects for about a week after surgery, as it will affect wound recovery.
【Makeup/Eye Makeup】
You can do make up two days after surgery, but please avoid eye area.
Eye makeup is possible one week after surgery.
Please avoid eyelash extensions for about one month after surgery.
Please avoid drinking alcohol on the day after surgery.
Avoid drinking for three days.
You can start light exercise such as jogging one week after surgery, but please avoid strenuous sports for one month after surgery.
We also explain cautions in daily life after surgery at the free ICL briefing session, please feel free to contact us.