Dr. Yoshihiro Kitazawa, the chef surgeon of our clinic, gave a speech at the 47th Academic General Conference of the Japanese Ophthalmic Surgery Society held at the National Kyoto International Guild Hall from 2nd to 4th February.
Dr. Yoshihiro Kitazawa will continue to stand on the leading position and contribute to the development of ophthalmology.
Lunch Seminar: 「分野別サージャンから見たICL手術~白内障サージャンから硝子体サージャンまで~」: Chairman
Educational Seminar: 「屈折矯正手術の実際」: Chairman
Thematic discussion: 進化する有水晶体眼内レンズ
Performer: 「浅前房や散瞳不良の手術手技」